Walker gives his finest performance as psychopath involved with
tennis star Granger in "exchange murders." Lorne is unforgettable
as doting mother; so is merry-go-round climax. First-class Hitchcock,
based on a Patricia Highsmith novel and coscripted by Raymond
Chandler. Remade as Once You Kiss a Stranger and the inspiration
for Throw Momma From the Train.
Once again Hitchcock bought the rights to
the original novel anonymously to keep the price down and got
them for just $7,500
Raymond Chandler is credited as the main author
of the script, but it was almost completely written by Czenzi
Ormonde who was credited as second author.

Hitchcock makes his cameo appearance
early in the film boarding a train carrying a double bass fiddle
as Farley Granger gets off the train (see also his cameo in The
Paradine Case).