French Intelligence agent Stafford works with American official
Forsythe to dig out info on Russia's involvement in Cuba. Whirlwind
plot circles globe, maintains intrigue level; good, not great
Hitchcock, scripted by Samuel Taylor from Leon Uris' best-seller.
Laser-disc video release includes not one but two alternate endings
Hitchcock shot and then decided not to use!
The film was Hitchcock's
biggest flop, costing over $4M to make, but taking less than $1M
Leon Uris wrote the first draft of the screenplay,
but Hitch declared it unshootable at the last minute and called in Samuel
Taylor (writer of Vertigo) to rewrite it from scratch. Some scenes were
written just hours before they were shot.

Hitchcock makes his cameo appearance 30 minutes in
at the airport getting out of a wheelchair.